Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Size Of Model Ebp2400b2 Is There Anything IN BETWEEN A Plus Size Model And A Normal One?

Is there anything IN BETWEEN a plus size model and a normal one? - size of model ebp2400b2

I am too small to be a plus size model. Height and size, but I'm too big for a normal model. My small size makes me most desirable, plus size modeling?
I am 15 years old, 5'3 "and 148 pounds. (Going times below).
If it was useful, I could a few pictures.

Thank you.


Kittysue said...

The plus-size models, you'll need at least 5'9 ". There is no such thing as a small model. Definitey and its weight would be a plus size model. A friend who is with Ford Model 5'10" and weighs 140 and is considered plus size. If your hips are 40 inches or more, you're more size in the modeling industry. If you do not want a model of greatness, you must hips 33-35 "

Posh is Coming up on Infa-red said...

Well, did you go too small because of its height. But to do so, it would be necessary to lose weight ...

In between, there is nothing. If you have a face, just unbelievable that I could do some modeling or music catalog.

Janice said...

It may well for modeling business (sales of Kmart, receipts, etc.) are adequate.

liz said...

There are actually found in the professional circuit, but different places on different types of organizations could, because their images on the face shape and how you see in movies

:) said...

Correction: too short to be a plus size model.
You'd be fat enough, you're too depressed.

Lisa said...


WHAT said...

Jenny Craig?

Renee said...

Post a photo would help to

Grea said...

wow, you have to grow 6 inches and remove 20 kg

I swear you people are idiots

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