Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Thing To Write In A Wedding Card Another Wedding Thank You Card, A Phone Call, Or Nothing?

Another wedding thank you card, a phone call, or nothing? - good thing to write in a wedding card

We were married Aug.22. Did I write thank you cards to all those who took it gave us a gift or not, have the most. If you do not give a gift that he thanked them for their support, love and celebrate with us, etc.
Well, I did) last week (6wks after the wedding and we have a map and a review of his cousin and his family (who came from outside the city and were not really as a gift in itself) in the mail today! I can only imagine that they have forgotten to bring. I'm not sure whether you a new thank-you card, or perhaps you would prefer to call them and thank them, or do not want just anything. What should I say or write? It feels like a potentially embarrassing situation, I am very concerned about the craziest things.


Yes, it's true said...

It would be desirable to send a letter or call them. A call to take the place of another card and TY is a wonderful combination.

Congratulations on your marriage!

Lainey said...

It may not have the $ $ to put the gift on the occasion of their marriage, they traveled to be there. I have another paper: "We have received your check, we can certainly provide it for a good cause. Thank you again for being there and celebrate with us," Who would not ignore the fact that he received the check this will: 1) you do not have received, or 2) was not important enough for you admit. It is ridiculous to worry, too.

Messykat... said...

It is not surprising, since all these things happen and did not mean any malice, to thank them too early, or forget, perhaps the gift. Do not make something bigger than he is - just call (no more cards!) And tell them what you said here was that there never the intention to addition to the presence, and you really want to thank you personally. Then talk about what was good to see her.

You will be fine with it - your stuff easily into the e-mail exceeded.

An excellent advice giver said...

It's easy, just send a card to a new assessment. Let them know, via e-mail address and a map that you have Nice an unexpected letter from them with a check. And both are very grateful, and I just wanted to say thank you again for coming and for their generous donation.

Cammie said...

Because you get a card, please call and let them know that you have gift.Tell receive only the beautiful, how much you enjoyed her company.
A message from Ty is sufficient.

Brook said...

I think a card would be better! It is so rare that people send the letters in today's society. Who did not they open the mailbox and get a cute card:)

diamondc... said...

According to Miss Manners, for a year to send a donation. To send a thank-you card.

LAD said...


ilovewed... said...

It would be desirable to send a thank-you card to another.

Yes, I suppose that the same thing as you. Perhaps they thought he had checked the map, whether made at the reception was made, but clearly after the fact he has not.

Another thank you card would be in order. Do not feel bad. Just to be treated, as it is the first thank you sent.

Can I say .... Congratulations to you for sending thank you notes! I visited), two weddings (one time and never got to see a thank you. Makes me want to go more weddings!

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