Thursday, January 21, 2010

Opals Australia Are Opals Found In Brazil?

Are opals found in Brazil? - opals australia

I saw a ring of advertising, said: "natural opal from Brazil," I asked my jeweler if they come from Brazil and said he was not sure if I really liked this ring, but the price is slightly higher when natural opal ISN "TA. I know I'm from Australia and Mexico, but I've never heard of them, from Brazil


Pennsylv... said...

Yes, this can be found in Brazil, with many other precious and semiprecious stones.

Known for its color, displays bright colors of the rainbow opal scale, as when viewing from different angles. This is 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale and is the foundation for October. Primary sources include Australia, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia and the U.S. (Nevada and Idaho). A doublet is a slice of opal glued to common opal, glass or other materials, and a trio is a slice of opal glued between a base and crystal or glass.

centrete... said...

Opal mines first wine in Yugoslavia, and was very popular with the Romans.

centrete... said...

Opal mines first wine in Yugoslavia, and was very popular with the Romans.

honey said...

Never heard of an opal from Brazil. I found a jeweler.

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